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Knowing and understanding rules, regulations and laws related to firearms can be a task by itself. We have gathered all the information and put into easy to read and understand language. We have even broken down commonly used industry terms to keep you on par with the experts. The NCCTO is your trusted source when it comes to keeping you in the know!


The Firearms Legal Blueprint (FLB) is your guide to simplified laws related to firearms and carry. We cover State, Federal, travel and other laws that you don't want to be without. We took statutes and laws that are filled with complex legal jargon and put them in an easy to understand format. We recommend every member review this section on a regular basis as laws do change.

Firearms Legal Blueprint


Did you know that your permit may allow you to carry a concealed firearm in states other than your home state? Our easy to use reciprocity map will tell you what states honor your permit, and what states do not. This is extremely important if you are traveling with your firearm. We recommend every member to review this periodically as it is subject to change at any time.


The firearms and legal industry have a multitude of terms and language that can seem foreign if you don't speak it on a regular basis. We understand the importance of knowing the terminology and how to apply it. We compiled a list of the most common terms that you may come across, what they mean and how they apply to firearms or law. We want to make sure you are always prepared.

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national concealed carry training organization

(844) 733-4147

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